Top 5 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin D
Sun - The ultimate Source of Energy of all the living organisms on Earth! Plants produce Food through photosynthesis from the light received from the Sun. Our entire Food Chain is depended upon the Suns' Energy, say Herbivorous grazes on plants as food, while the Carnivorous animals prey on Herbivorous animals and omnivores animals live on both plants and animals. This Vitamin D from the sun is transferred from one organism to another through the diverse food chain. In one research said, almost 70% of Indians lack Vitamin D due to the modern lifestyle and air conditioned longtime indoor working hours. Vitamin D plays a vital role in body growth, lack of essentials vitamin leads to various system disorders. Health hazards of Vitamin D deficiency: 1. Lack of Vitamin D leads to weak and low-density Bones such as Osteoporosis. 2. Bow Legs - Rickets is a rare disease caused mostly in children. 3. Alopecia - Affects autoimmune which ...